Watten Fire Department – Fort Frances, ON

Jul 5, 2019

The entirely volunteer Watten Fire Department serves an unincorporated area of 450 permanent year-round residents but from May to October, the population swells to 1500 with cottage owners and campers. The department requested $18,000 for a new Jaws of Life. The old one was donated in 1996 by a family after a traffic accident where this equipment was needed and not available but it is currently broken and not repairable. Besides that, the technology is much better now so they will be receiving a brand new Hurst Jaws of Life Combi Rescue Tool.

I called Fire Chief Chad Buist to share the good news that they are receiving the largest grant from this group for the Jaw of Life. “Fantastic! I am so excited,” he said, “I can’t thank you enough. Our department is all volunteer and to the people who are giving everything just to help the community, this will mean a lot to them.”

Chad is the Deputy Chief of Emergency Medical Services and volunteers his time as the Fire Chief. He also told me that the family that donated the first Jaws of Life recently moved back to the area and this will mean a lot to them. They lost their son in the accident and I am honored to pick up where they left off in helping the community. I am especially honored and blessed to be able to make this particular grant the the Watten Fire Department.

July 17, 2019

Here’s a nice article from the Fort Frances Times.

Click here to read.

3 Comments on "Watten Fire Department – Fort Frances, ON"

  1. Darlene

    As a resident of the Watten community, I deeply appreciate this grant to provide essential equipment that will assist our dedicated volunteer fire department in keeping residents, visitors and those passing through our surrounding area safe.

  2. John

    Great news for a small remote community covered by volunteer fire fighters who lack government support for these tools. By having their own jaws will add to speed of accessing injured persons

  3. Joshua Colling

    Thank you to Jenny’s Heroes and Jenny Jones for supporting the Watten community and it’s visitors with this amazing gift.

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