Edwardsburgh Cardinal Fire Dept. – Spencerville, ON

Nov 8, 2019

Edwardsburgh Fire Dept.

This municipality’s Fire Department has a long tradition of volunteerism. With 48 active volunteers, two fire stations provide emergency services to the entire Township, which is intersected by two major highways. Highway 401 running east-west between Toronto and Montreal and 416 going north-south to Ottawa.

“While having 2 major highways within our community is good for business it also places a large burden on our Volunteer firefighters who have to respond to the associated emergencies,” said Chief Brian Moore. “Motor vehicle accidents represent 25% of our emergency calls and most are on 401 and 416. Multiple vehicle accidents are becoming more common and many include transport trucks.” The chief requested $13,495 to purchase a Hurst hydraulic telescopic ram.Jenny's Heroes CanadaThis equipment will make patient extrication faster and easier and will make the process safer for everyone involved, including rescuers and other motorists on the highway. For the best chance of survival, the goal is to have the patient in a trauma center within an hour (Golden hour) and the nearest center is in Ottawa, a 40-minute drive.

Edwardsburgh Collision

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